22 research outputs found

    Distributed Deblurring of Large Images of Wide Field-Of-View

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    Image deblurring is an economic way to reduce certain degradations (blur and noise) in acquired images. Thus, it has become essential tool in high resolution imaging in many applications, e.g., astronomy, microscopy or computational photography. In applications such as astronomy and satellite imaging, the size of acquired images can be extremely large (up to gigapixels) covering wide field-of-view suffering from shift-variant blur. Most of the existing image deblurring techniques are designed and implemented to work efficiently on centralized computing system having multiple processors and a shared memory. Thus, the largest image that can be handle is limited by the size of the physical memory available on the system. In this paper, we propose a distributed nonblind image deblurring algorithm in which several connected processing nodes (with reasonable computational resources) process simultaneously different portions of a large image while maintaining certain coherency among them to finally obtain a single crisp image. Unlike the existing centralized techniques, image deblurring in distributed fashion raises several issues. To tackle these issues, we consider certain approximations that trade-offs between the quality of deblurred image and the computational resources required to achieve it. The experimental results show that our algorithm produces the similar quality of images as the existing centralized techniques while allowing distribution, and thus being cost effective for extremely large images.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, submitted to IEEE Trans. on Image Processin

    Measurement-Consistent Networks via a Deep Implicit Layer for Solving Inverse Problems

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    End-to-end deep neural networks (DNNs) have become state-of-the-art (SOTA) for solving inverse problems. Despite their outstanding performance, during deployment, such networks are sensitive to minor variations in the training pipeline and often fail to reconstruct small but important details, a feature critical in medical imaging, astronomy, or defence. Such instabilities in DNNs can be explained by the fact that they ignore the forward measurement model during deployment, and thus fail to enforce consistency between their output and the input measurements. To overcome this, we propose a framework that transforms any DNN for inverse problems into a measurement-consistent one. This is done by appending to it an implicit layer (or deep equilibrium network) designed to solve a model-based optimization problem. The implicit layer consists of a shallow learnable network that can be integrated into the end-to-end training. Experiments on single-image super-resolution show that the proposed framework leads to significant improvements in reconstruction quality and robustness over the SOTA DNNs

    Ocean Monitoring Framework based on Compressive Sensing using Acoustic Sensor Networks

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    ORFDetector:Ensemble Learning Based Online Recruitment Fraud Detection

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    Contributions pour la restauration d'images : des stratégies d'optimisation numérique à la déconvolution aveugle et à la correction de flous spatialement variables

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    Degradations of images during the acquisition process is inevitable; images suffer from blur and noise. With advances in technologies and computational tools, the degradations in the images can be avoided or corrected up to a significant level, however, the quality of acquired images is still not adequate for many applications. This calls for the development of more sophisticated digital image restoration tools. This thesis is a contribution to image restoration. The thesis is divided into five chapters, each including a detailed discussion on different aspects of image restoration. It starts with a generic overview of imaging systems, and points out the possible degradations occurring in images with their fundamental causes. In some cases the blur can be considered stationary throughout the field-of-view, and then it can be simply modeled as convolution. However, in many practical cases, the blur varies throughout the field-of-view, and thus modeling the blur is not simple considering the accuracy and the computational effort. The first part of this thesis presents a detailed discussion on modeling of shift-variant blur and its fast approximations, and then it describes a generic image formation model. Subsequently, the thesis shows how an image restoration problem, can be seen as a Bayesian inference problem, and then how it turns into a large-scale numerical optimization problem. Thus, the second part of the thesis considers a generic optimization problem that is applicable to many domains, and then proposes a class of new optimization algorithms for solving inverse problems in imaging. The proposed algorithms are as fast as the state-of-the-art algorithms (verified by several numerical experiments), but without any hassle of parameter tuning, which is a great relief for users. The third part of the thesis presents an in depth discussion on the shift-invariant blind image deblurring problem suggesting different ways to reduce the ill-posedness of the problem, and then proposes a blind image deblurring method using an image decomposition for restoration of astronomical images. The proposed method is based on an alternating estimation approach. The restoration results on synthetic astronomical scenes are promising, suggesting that the proposed method is a good candidate for astronomical applications after certain modifications and improvements. The last part of the thesis extends the ideas of the shift-variant blur model presented in the first part. This part gives a detailed description of a flexible approximation of shift-variant blur with its implementational aspects and computational cost. This part presents a shift-variant image deblurring method with some illustrations on synthetically blurred images, and then it shows how the characteristics of shift-variant blur due to optical aberrations can be exploited for PSF estimation methods. This part describes a PSF calibration method for a simple experimental camera suffering from optical aberration, and then shows results on shift-variant image deblurring of the images captured by the same experimental camera. The results are promising, and suggest that the two steps can be used to achieve shift-variant blind image deblurring, the long-term goal of this thesis. The thesis ends with the conclusions and suggestions for future works in continuation of the current workL’introduction de dégradations lors du processus de formation d’images est un phénomène inévitable: les images souffrent de flou et de la présence de bruit. Avec les progrès technologiques et les outils numériques, ces dégradations peuvent être compensées jusqu’à un certain point. Cependant, la qualité des images acquises est insuffisante pour de nombreuses applications. Cette thèse contribue au domaine de la restauration d’images. La thèse est divisée en cinq chapitres, chacun incluant une discussion détaillée sur différents aspects de la restauration d’images. La thèse commence par une présentation générale des systèmes d’imagerie et pointe les dégradations qui peuvent survenir ainsi que leurs origines. Dans certains cas, le flou peut être considéré stationnaire dans tout le champ de vue et est alors simplement modélisé par un produit de convolution. Néanmoins, dans de nombreux cas de figure, le flou est spatialement variable et sa modélisation est plus difficile, un compromis devant être réalisé entre la précision de modélisation et la complexité calculatoire. La première partie de la thèse présente une discussion détaillée sur la modélisation des flous spatialement variables et différentes approximations efficaces permettant de les simuler. Elle décrit ensuite un modèle de formation de l’image générique. Puis, la thèse montre que la restauration d’images peut s’interpréter comme un problème d’inférence bayésienne et ainsi être reformulé en un problème d’optimisation en grande dimension. La deuxième partie de la thèse considère alors la résolution de problèmes d’optimisation génériques, en grande dimension, tels que rencontrés dans de nombreux domaines applicatifs. Une nouvelle classe de méthodes d’optimisation est proposée pour la résolution des problèmes inverses en imagerie. Les algorithmes proposés sont aussi rapides que l’état de l’art (d’après plusieurs comparaisons expérimentales) tout en supprimant la difficulté du réglage de paramètres propres à l’algorithme d’optimisation, ce qui est particulièrement utile pour les utilisateurs. La troisième partie de la thèse traite du problème de la déconvolution aveugle (estimation conjointe d’un flou invariant et d’une image plus nette) et suggère différentes façons de contraindre ce problème d’estimation. Une méthode de déconvolution aveugle adaptée à la restauration d’images astronomiques est développée. Elle se base sur une décomposition de l’image en sources ponctuelles et sources étendues et alterne des étapes de restauration de l’image et d’estimation du flou. Les résultats obtenus en simulation suggèrent que la méthode peut être un bon point de départ pour le développement de traitements dédiés à l’astronomie. La dernière partie de la thèse étend les modèles de flous spatialement variables pour leur mise en oeuvre pratique. Une méthode d’estimation du flou est proposée dans une étape d’étalonnage. Elle est appliquée à un système expérimental, démontrant qu’il est possible d’imposer des contraintes de régularité et d’invariance lors de l’estimation du flou. L’inversion du flou estimé permet ensuite d’améliorer significativement la qualité des images. Les deux étapes d’estimation du flou et de restauration forment les deux briques indispensables pour mettre en oeuvre, à l’avenir, une méthode de restauration aveugle (c’est à dire, sans étalonnage préalable). La thèse se termine par une conclusion ouvrant des perspectives qui pourront être abordées lors de travaux futur


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    International audienceWith the progress of adaptive optics systems, ground-based telescopes acquire images with improved resolutions. However, compensation for atmospheric turbulence is still partial, which leaves good scope for digital restoration techniques to recover fine details in the images. A blind image deblurring algorithm for a single long-exposure image is proposed, which is an instance of maximum-a-posteriori estimation posed as constrained non-convex optimization problem. A view of sky contains mainly two types of sources: point-like and smooth extended sources. The algorithm takes intoaccount this fact explicitly by imposing different priors on these components, and recovers two separate maps for them. Moreover, an appropriate prior on the blur kernel is also considered. The resulting optimization problem is solved by alternating minimization. The initial experimental results on synthetically corrupted images are promising, the algorithm is able to restore the fine details in the image, and recover the point spread function

    Anomalous Frictional Behavior in Collisions of Thin Disks Revisited

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    In prior work, Calsamiglia et al. (1999, “Anomalous Frictional Behavior in Collisions of Thin Disks,” ASME J. Appl. Mech., 66, pp. 146–152) reported experimental results of collisions between thin plastic disks and a relatively rigid steel barrier. In those experiments, it was observed that, contrary to a commonly held assumption in rigid body collision modeling, the ratio of tangential to normal components of the contact impulse could be substantially less than the friction coefficient even for collisions where the disk contact point did not reverse its velocity direction (i.e., for sliding collisions). In those experiments, the disk’s edges were rounded to make the contact less sensitive to machining imperfections. While such impact/contact is nominally at a single point, the rounded edges make the interaction three dimensional (from the view point of analyzing eformations). Here, we revisit that problem computationally, but model the edges as flat, making the problem two dimensional. Our finite element calculations (ABAQUS) do not reproduce the anomalous frictional interactions observed in those experiments, suggesting that rounding of the edges, among other possibilities, may have played a significant role in the experimental results